And, just for extra 'salt in the wound' coincidence, after my building purchase the other weekend:
D'oh! Bang goes another pile of money...
More seriously though, this is excellent news. I was always of a mind to keep the WOTR figures as strictly that. Even though the 'Mercenaries' boxed set supplied plastic figures for Pikemen, handgunners & Crossbowmen, and it was obviously possible to expand into large mainland European armies like the French, Swiss and Burgundians, I held off. The main barrier was the lack of a large amount of mounted knights at a cheap price, which was something that blocked any such move. No longer! Although I can't go to Salute, I shall no doubt be ordering some very soon and turning my thoughts towards more general Medieval gaming (also possible with the Hail Caesar rules now in my hands.)
Just when I thought I was out, they pull me back in!
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